sounds like some kind of swear or sneeze. or both.
but nope, it's the fear of friday the 13th. which happens this june! i hope you didn't just ask yourself when in june. think about it.
but as with most superstitions, the origin isn't certain, so there are theories and hypotheses bouncing of the walls. hammurabi left out the number thirteen from his list of laws. then again this is also the man who made it law to cut off a child's hand if he was disrespectful. (back in the good 'ol days.) medieval superstition stated that if thirteen people were to sit at a table to dine, the first to stand up would die. (disclaimer: this was a good cover-up story for your rude relative, since you definitely didn't shank him -- it was the gods of superstition working through you.)
twelve is holy. thirteen is evil. no one cares about fourteen. (except woodrow wilson) maybe someone mistranslated a section from the bible once and accidentally replaced the word "hell" with the phrase "the thirteenth floor in a hotel."
but why friday? some say it's because jesus was crucified on a friday. but was it a friday the thirteenth? and if not, shouldn't every friday and every thirteenth be feared? oh god no it's monday the thirteenth, make sure you get up on the left side of your bed with one toe raised in order to make sure your luck isn't too bad.
good luck.
(actually by wishing you good luck early i probably just cursed your luck. it happens.)
(i am trying with this blog. i am sorry for the inconsistency in both quantity and quality. i am trying.)
Apology not accepted